056 TSP The New Parent (Where to Look for More Information about the Suzuki Method)

Where does a parent who is new to the Suzuki journey go for information and help? This podcast episode summarizes the available information to guide a new parent find more information and resources to help the parent do the best possible job in home practices with the child. Teachers will want to listen to this episode and then direct parents to it in order to help the teaching studio run more smoothly.

Here are some additional resources that were mentioned in the podcast episode:

Nurtured by Love by Dr. Suzuki (affiliate link)

Ability Development from Age Zero by Dr. Suzuki (affiliate link)

Listening Magic (Teach Suzuki Blog article)

How to Add More Music to Your Day (Teach Suzuki Blog article)

Music Listening Resource List (Teach Suzuki Blog article and resources list)

10 Rules for Success for Suzuki Parents (Teach Suzuki Blog article)

Recipe for Suzuki Review (YouTube video)

The Importance of Music Education (Teach Suzuki Blog article)

If you found this episode (or any episode) of the podcast helpful, and you would like to make a donation to support the Teach Suzuki Podcast and the blog, click here. My efforts to write and produce the Teach Suzuki blog and podcast do not generate income except through the generosity of those readers and listeners. I really appreciate your support. Just click here for a direct link to PayPal to support the blog and podcast.

And if you would like more information about The Twinkle Project, including the two short movies that explain why I wrote the book and gives a good overview of what the book is about and what it contains, visit here. You can purchase the book here.

If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at paula@teachsuzuki.com. I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.

You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.

Until next time,

Happy Practicing!

—– Paula —–

© 2017 by Paula E. Bird

If you would like to make a donation to support the Teach Suzuki Podcast and the blog, click here to donate.

Author: Paula Bird

I am a professional violinist, university teacher, and private instructor with training in the Suzuki Method of Talent Education. I have decades of experience as a teacher and am willing to share my knowledge with parents and teachers of children who are learning music using the Suzuki Method.

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