162 TSP Parent Woes

This episode looks at three basic areas that teachers may struggle with the parenting part of the Suzuki Triangle: location, scheduling, and parenting issues.


For this month’s focus or theme, we were putting our attention on building an “ideas compendium.” This week’s mission was to identify the struggles that teachers might have with their students’ parents. Upcoming weekly missions will look at student problems/issues, practice woes, and scheduling woes.

How to Encourage the Teach Suzuki Blog and Podcast

Contact Me

I really enjoy hearing from my readers and listeners. If you have a question, a comment, a suggestion, or an idea for future articles and podcast episodes, please consider contacting me. You can find me by email (paula@teachsuzuki.com) or find me on Facebook (Teach Suzuki).

Leave a Review

Many listeners ask how they can support the podcast. If you are a fan of the podcast, you can help to support it by leaving a rating and review. Here is how to review the podcast:

  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.
  2. Tap the “search” tab, enter “Teach Suzuki,” tap the blue Search button, and you will pull up the podcast.
  3. Tap on the album art for the podcast.
  4. Scroll down to the “write a review” link, and leave a rating and a review.
  5. That is how easy it is!
Buy The Twinkle Project

You can also support the blog and podcast by making a purchase of The Twinkle Project, which is my book to help teachers and parents of young violin beginners. This book takes teachers and parents through all of the steps to teach a complete violin beginner all the way through the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” variations and begin the next steps to learn “Lightly Row.” Included in the book are many forms and checklists to guide teachers and parents through the progression of steps to learn this important initial stage to play the violin.

The Twinkle Project

Episode 54, The Twinkle Project

If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at paula@teachsuzuki.com. I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.

You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.

Until next time,

Happy Practicing! Watch how you practice, and practice accurately!

—– Paula —–

© 2019 by Paula E. Bird

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