101 TSP Watch Your Language!

Does it matter what language we use when we talk to our students, our spouses, and most importantly, to ourselves? Our language choices have a powerful impact on our behavior, our attitude, and often our results. More importantly, our language choices impact our quality of life and affect whether we try to learn anything.

I talked about one of my favorite books. Although this is a running book, I have found its content most valuable as a teaching resource for my students. Each chapter contains a discussion of a psychological point, and many of the powerful tips contained in the book have a powerful impact on attitude and belief. Many of my students have had “aha” moments that unlocked mental doors to learning with some of the tips in this book.\

This book is quite valuable for everyone, whether they are runners or not. (Bonus: the book contains a 16-week training program for anyone who has never run at all. The book was put together from materials used in a marathoning 101 class at the University of Iowa. I pull this book off my bookshelves every year and sometimes several times a year. The book survived my bookshelf Kon Mari purge over a year ago because it is so valuable to me.

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The episode also mentioned a previous episode about language and mindset, and I plan to broadcast more on this topic. If you would like to visit that episode, here is the link: Episode 81: It Matters What You Think. 

If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at paula@teachsuzuki.com. I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.

You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.

Until next time,

Happy Practicing!

—– Paula —–

© 2018 by Paula E. Bird

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Author: Paula Bird

I am a professional violinist, university teacher, and private instructor with training in the Suzuki Method of Talent Education. I have decades of experience as a teacher and am willing to share my knowledge with parents and teachers of children who are learning music using the Suzuki Method.

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