Today’s reflection discusses the importance of developing the ability to have a sense of humor and ways to develop and strengthen this ability.
If you have a comment or suggestion, you can leave me a voice message on my voicemail line at 512-537-6356 or send me an email at
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Munro Leaf (author of Ferdinand the Bull) wrote this timeless book in 1946:
“How to Behave and Why” by Munro Leaf
I have referred to this book many times in my teaching studio, whenever I bump into a teaching moment regarding manners and pleasant behaviors. My students, their parents, and I have enjoyed the timeless presentation of doing what is the right thing to do.
In this episode, I share the book with my listeners. I hope you enjoy it as much as I and my students do.
Here is a link to the Ferdinand (the bull) book:
“The Story of Ferdinand” by Munro Leaf
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If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.
You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.
Today’s reflection encourages us to be humble again and become a beginner in order to help our children stay excited about learning.
If you have a comment or suggestion, you can leave me a voice message on my voicemail line at 512-537-6356 or send me an email at
For more information and articles, visit my blog at:
What is a good teacher? What are the qualities and actions of someone that makes us call someone a good teacher? And these same qualities and actions would also apply to parents, since parents are also their children’s teachers.
Today’s reflection explores the concept of “angle of repose” and how we can make minor adjustments to or accept our own angles. This reflection is a simple reminder of the power we have to make slight alterations to the life that we are living.
If you have a comment or suggestion, you can leave me a voice message on my voicemail line at 512-537-6356 or send me an email at
For more information and articles, visit my blog at:
Every word and action can send a message to our children and students that tells them what to think about themselves. Are we helping our children to develop mindsets that promote growth or are we shunting our children’s potential by allowing them to stagnate in fixed mindsets of judgment?
This episode discusses how the words we use to praise and encourage our children and students, whether they succeed or struggle, will have a powerful impact on the true message that our children will hear. This episode looks closely at the correlation of our choice of words and the messages our children receive and adopt about themselves.
Today’s reflection discusses the importance of enthusiasm to encourage your child’s desire to learn and practice and sets out how a parent can build enthusiasm for practice and learning. Continue reading “Reflections — Enthusiasm”
Does it matter what language we use when we talk to our students, our spouses, and most importantly, to ourselves? Our language choices have a powerful impact on our behavior, our attitude, and often our results. More importantly, our language choices impact our quality of life and affect whether we try to learn anything.