Reflections – Physical Touch

This is part of the “Reflections” series of podcast episodes, which are short, minutes long reflections about a quote or other thought from Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s philosophy or writing. The purpose of these reflections is to give parents and teachers a chance to spend a few minutes thinking about how great the impact might be on the world and our children with merely a slight moment of reflection about a behavior, thought, or attitude.

This episode reminds us about the importance of physical touch in order to make connections with each other and our children in order to thrive in our world. Have a listen and see if you have anything to add to the list of ways that we can connect with each other through physical touch.

005 TSP: How Parents Can Help at Lessons

Welcome to Episode 5 of the Teach Suzuki Podcast! In this episode, I list 8 ways that parents can help their child at music lessons. I also talk about some of the ways that parents send silent messages to their child, which the parents might not be aware of, and I also talk about the importance of enthusiasm to help motivate the child to want to practice and learn how to play a musical instrument.

Have a listen and see if I have touched on some of your favorite ways that a parent can help their child at lessons. If you think there are some other things that I could include on my list, leave me a voicemail message on my voicemail line at: (512) 537-6356. Or you can email me at

You can also follow me on Facebook on my Teach Suzuki page. My Twitter handle is @PaulaEBird and my instagram handle is paula_bird_violin.

For more blog articles about the Suzuki Method that will help teachers, parents, and students, visit


Reflections: Smile (2016-04-24)

This is part of the “Reflections” series of podcast episodes, which are short, minutes long reflections about a quote or other thought from Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s philosophy or writing. The purpose of these reflections is to give parents and teachers a chance to spend a few minutes thinking about how great the impact might be on the world and our children with merely a slight moment of reflection about a behavior, thought, or attitude.

This week’s reflection discusses the power of our facial expressions to affect the feelings of others. Have a listen and see if you too find that your smile could empower everyone around you.

004 TSP Top 10 Things a Suzuki Parent Should Know

This podcast episode sets out my top 10 list of things that I want my Suzuki student parents to know. I believe that these 10 things are basic steps that are crucial to a successful journey in the Suzuki Method world. I talk about these important topics:

1- The Suzuki Method

2 – The 6 Suzuki Method Philosophical points

3 – The Suzuki Triangle

4 – The importance of daily listening

5 – The importance of daily practice

6 – Understanding the personalities of the parent, child, and teacher

7 – Understanding the parenting style in the home and how to improve it

8 – The important points to help a child in home practices

9 – The important points to help a child at lessons

10 – The important points to help a child at group classes

Have a listen and see if you include these same points in your top 10 list. If you have more items to suggest, please contact me. You can leave me a voicemail on my voicemail line at: (512) 537-6356. Or you can email me at

You can also follow me on Facebook on my Teach Suzuki page. My Twitter handle is @PaulaEBird and my instagram handle is paula_bird_violin.

For more blog articles about the Suzuki Method that will help teachers, parents, and students, visit

Until next time,

Happy Practicing!

—– Paula —–

 © 2016 by Paula E. Bird

Reflections: Smiling Faces (2016-04-17)

This is part of the “Reflections” series of podcast episodes, which are short, minutes long reflections about a quote from Dr. Shinichi Suzuki.

This week’s reflection is about this quote: “The environment determines the person. This is very scary.” What happens if the parents line up the children in a row, oldest to youngest? What family history might be reflected in the children’s faces?

Reflections: Stolen Moments (2016-04-10)

This is part of the “Reflections” series of podcast episodes, which are short, minutes long reflections about a quote from Dr. Shinichi Suzuki.

This week’s reflection is about the quote: “Parents who wish to raise noble children should get rid of their own problems by self reflection.” Can you find moments throughout your day to prepare you to handle possible problems? Have a listen to this Reflections episode and see if you find some useful tips about how to steal such moments throughout your day.

002 TSP — The 6 Suzuki Philosophy Points

There are 6 basic philosophy points that the Suzuki Method focuses on. These 6 points are the foundation of a successful Suzuki journey. Does it matter whether parents and teachers share the belief in these 6 points? This podcast episode explores that topic and provides explanations and reasons why it is important for parents to believe in the Suzuki philosophy. As always, “does it matter?” is an important question to consider. This teacher believes the answer is “yes!”

001 – Teach Suzuki Podcast

Are you a parent with a child studying music using the Suzuki Method? Are you a teacher who uses the Suzuki Method? Are you a student learning with the Suzuki Method? If you are any one of these or perhaps someone who wants to learn more, join the Teach Suzuki Podcast community. Each week we will spend time talking about issues that arise during the Suzuki journey and how many parents, teachers, and students have approached and solved these problems.

This first episode answers the basic question: What is the Suzuki Method anyway? If you ever wondered how little children could play the violin, piano, or other instruments and sound amazing, then this podcast will help you to understand how the Suzuki Method works. If you want to learn how to be a better practice parent partner at home in between music lessons, this podcast will provide answers and suggestions. Come listen in to the Teach Suzuki Community, where we change the world — one child, one family, and one community at a time.

If you want to find out more information, visit the Teach Suzuki blog at