186 TSP Pay Attention to Me! | Self-Management

Teachers and parents spend a great deal of time and effort to get students and children to concentrate and focus. A child may look as if he or she is paying attention to us, but we may find out later that the child is not. Today’s episode looks at ideas to help students and children learn to self-manage.

Other Resources

Draw Them In: Build Concentration and Focus

The Power of Checklists

How to Encourage the Teach Suzuki Blog and Podcast

Buy The Twinkle Project

You can support the blog and podcast by making a purchase of The Twinkle Project, which is my book to help teachers and parents of young violin beginners. This book takes teachers and parents through all of the steps to teach a complete violin beginner all the way through the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” variations and begin the next steps to learn “Lightly Row.” Included in the book are many forms and checklists to guide teachers and parents through the progression of steps to learn this important initial stage to play the violin. For the rest of 2019, I am offering the book at a discount rate of 20%. Enter the code fall2019 at the final part of checkout to receive the discount.

The following video explains why I wrote this book.

This video discusses what the book is about.

Episode 54, The Twinkle Project (this podcast episode examines the book in more depth)

Contact Me

I really enjoy hearing from my readers and listeners. If you have a question, a comment, a suggestion, or an idea for future articles and podcast episodes, please consider contacting me. You can find me by email (paula@teachsuzuki.com) or find me on Facebook (Teach Suzuki).

Leave a Review

Many listeners ask how they can support the podcast. If you are a fan of the podcast, you can help to support it by leaving a rating and review. Here is how to review the podcast:

  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.
  2. Tap the “search” tab, enter “Teach Suzuki,” tap the blue Search button, and you will pull up the podcast.
  3. Tap on the album art for the podcast.
  4. Scroll down to the “write a review” link, and leave a rating and a review.
  5. That is how easy it is!

If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at paula@teachsuzuki.com. I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.

You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.

Until next time,

Happy Practicing! Watch how you practice, and practice accurately!

—– Paula —–

© 2019 by Paula E. Bird

Join the Teach Suzuki Community!

If you would like to make a donation to support the Teach Suzuki Podcast and the blog, click here to donate.

185 TSP Five Habits for Music Teachers (and Parents too)

Music teachers and parents of students who study music and develop the skills to play musical instruments need to focus on some crucial habits in order to succeed. Here are my five suggested habits for music teachers and parents too.

Other Resources

Habits of Highly Effective Suzuki Teachers & Parents (podcast)

Excellence is a Habit (podcast)

Three Steps for Success (podcast)

How to Encourage the Teach Suzuki Blog and Podcast

Buy The Twinkle Project

You can support the blog and podcast by making a purchase of The Twinkle Project, which is my book to help teachers and parents of young violin beginners. This book takes teachers and parents through all of the steps to teach a complete violin beginner all the way through the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” variations and begin the next steps to learn “Lightly Row.” Included in the book are many forms and checklists to guide teachers and parents through the progression of steps to learn this important initial stage to play the violin.

The following video explains why I wrote this book.

This video discusses what the book is about.

Episode 54, The Twinkle Project (this podcast episode examines the book in more depth)

Contact Me

I really enjoy hearing from my readers and listeners. If you have a question, a comment, a suggestion, or an idea for future articles and podcast episodes, please consider contacting me. You can find me by email (paula@teachsuzuki.com) or find me on Facebook (Teach Suzuki).

Leave a Review

Many listeners ask how they can support the podcast. If you are a fan of the podcast, you can help to support it by leaving a rating and review. Here is how to review the podcast:

  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.
  2. Tap the “search” tab, enter “Teach Suzuki,” tap the blue Search button, and you will pull up the podcast.
  3. Tap on the album art for the podcast.
  4. Scroll down to the “write a review” link, and leave a rating and a review.
  5. That is how easy it is!

If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at paula@teachsuzuki.com. I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.

You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.

Until next time,

Happy Practicing! Watch how you practice, and practice accurately!

—– Paula —–

© 2019 by Paula E. Bird

Join the Teach Suzuki Community!

If you would like to make a donation to support the Teach Suzuki Podcast and the blog, click here to donate.

184 TSP Define Your Mission Statement

When you go on a trip, before you pull the car out of your driveway, you need to know where you are going. Today’s episode talks about the importance of defining your mission statement to design your life.

Other Resources

7 Habits Card Deck

Habits of Highly Effective Suzuki Teachers & Parents (podcast)

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind | Scrooge & the Future Ghost (podcast)

Your Best Year Yet! (blog article)

Best Year Yet (blog article and 10 questions)

Possibility (podcast)

How to Encourage the Teach Suzuki Blog and Podcast

Buy The Twinkle Project

You can support the blog and podcast by making a purchase of The Twinkle Project, which is my book to help teachers and parents of young violin beginners. This book takes teachers and parents through all of the steps to teach a complete violin beginner all the way through the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” variations and begin the next steps to learn “Lightly Row.” Included in the book are many forms and checklists to guide teachers and parents through the progression of steps to learn this important initial stage to play the violin.

The following video explains why I wrote this book.

This video discusses what the book is about.

Episode 54, The Twinkle Project (this podcast episode examines the book in more depth)

Contact Me

I really enjoy hearing from my readers and listeners. If you have a question, a comment, a suggestion, or an idea for future articles and podcast episodes, please consider contacting me. You can find me by email (paula@teachsuzuki.com) or find me on Facebook (Teach Suzuki).

Leave a Review

Many listeners ask how they can support the podcast. If you are a fan of the podcast, you can help to support it by leaving a rating and review. Here is how to review the podcast:

  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.
  2. Tap the “search” tab, enter “Teach Suzuki,” tap the blue Search button, and you will pull up the podcast.
  3. Tap on the album art for the podcast.
  4. Scroll down to the “write a review” link, and leave a rating and a review.
  5. That is how easy it is!

If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at paula@teachsuzuki.com. I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.

You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.

Until next time,

Happy Practicing! Watch how you practice, and practice accurately!

—– Paula —–

© 2019 by Paula E. Bird

Join the Teach Suzuki Community!

If you would like to make a donation to support the Teach Suzuki Podcast and the blog, click here to donate.

183 TSP Make My Job Easier | Dear Parent

This episode is an open letter to parents or students who study a music instrument and sets out the basic steps for parents to ensure their children succeed.

Other Resources

Atomic Habits by James Clear

How to Encourage the Teach Suzuki Blog and Podcast

Buy The Twinkle Project

You can support the blog and podcast by making a purchase of The Twinkle Project, which is my book to help teachers and parents of young violin beginners. This book takes teachers and parents through all of the steps to teach a complete violin beginner all the way through the “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” variations and begin the next steps to learn “Lightly Row.” Included in the book are many forms and checklists to guide teachers and parents through the progression of steps to learn this important initial stage to play the violin.

The following video explains why I wrote this book.

This video discusses what the book is about.

Episode 54, The Twinkle Project (this podcast episode examines the book in more depth)

Contact Me

I really enjoy hearing from my readers and listeners. If you have a question, a comment, a suggestion, or an idea for future articles and podcast episodes, please consider contacting me. You can find me by email (paula@teachsuzuki.com) or find me on Facebook (Teach Suzuki).

Leave a Review

Many listeners ask how they can support the podcast. If you are a fan of the podcast, you can help to support it by leaving a rating and review. Here is how to review the podcast:

  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.
  2. Tap the “search” tab, enter “Teach Suzuki,” tap the blue Search button, and you will pull up the podcast.
  3. Tap on the album art for the podcast.
  4. Scroll down to the “write a review” link, and leave a rating and a review.
  5. That is how easy it is!

If you have questions or answers or you would like to comment or leave me a voice mail, you can do so at (512) 537-6356. If you would like to send me an email, you may do so at paula@teachsuzuki.com. I welcome comments and questions about this episode and am interested in hearing about the perspective of other parents and teachers.

You may find more information and useful articles on my blog at: Teach Suzuki Blog.

Until next time,

Happy Practicing! Watch how you practice, and practice accurately!

—– Paula —–

© 2019 by Paula E. Bird

Join the Teach Suzuki Community!

If you would like to make a donation to support the Teach Suzuki Podcast and the blog, click here to donate.